Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What does it mean to be "One" in marriage?

In Matthew 19:5, Jesus references Genesis 2:24..."for this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh." The word cleave means "to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly." What does this look like in marriage?

Beth and I once witnessed a graphical representation of what cleaving really means. What we witnessed was a simple demonstration that stood for a very complex process. A speaker stood before us with two pieces of different colored construction paper and glued them together with a paper glue.  He continued his talk on what marriage oneness meant to him by saying that people in a marriage relationship were better together for God's glory than they are apart.

Let's pause for a moment while we examine this thought. Let me suggest that you perform a little exercise at home together with your spouse.  When you find some quiet time at home (note that I said "find" as this is an active process), turn to one another and say this together:


How does that feel?  How does it feel to acknowledge and affirm together that your marriage has God's imprint on it? That God has purpose for your marriage? There's something powerful about that, isn't there?

Ok, so back to my story.  About 20 minutes after gluing the two pieces of paper together, the speaker began to wrap up his discussion on what it means to be one in marriage.  During this conclusion, he began to pull the two pieces of construction paper apart.  Do you know what it looked like?  I'll tell you that it wasn't a neat separation.  Parts of the paper were stuck together...bonded to the other with the two colors blended together, while other parts were completely torn apart. The two pieces of paper would never be the same.

What an image!  See, once we are bonded together by marriage as God intended, there is intimate sharing of heart, body and soul.  To separate two people that are bonded by such intimacy means that the two, as individuals, will be destroyed to some degree (much like those two pieces of paper).

In that demonstration, oneness most clearly shows itself in its indivisibility. One is no longer two and cannot be divided. Because of our spiritual commitment to Christ, we are one with Him.  To be one in marriage, means that we have a Christ centered marriage!

What does marriage oneness mean to you?

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