Friday, February 3, 2012

Weekend To Remember...coming soon!!

It's that time of year! FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember marriage conference is right around the corner!  The conference will be in Cincinnati on February 24-26, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency and in Dayton on March 2-4 at the Dayton Marriott.

We would like to take a moment to highly encourage you to attend one of these weekend events.There are over one hundred of these events taking place all over the nation, so if one of these sites are not close, you can find an event nearest to you as well as find out more information by visiting

We attended this conference for the first time two years ago because we wanted to enhance our marriage. We were busy helping others at church strengthen their marriage but we felt like we needed to make some deposits into the marriage bank for us. It was wonderful!! We walked out of the weekend amazed by all that we learned!

"What you and your spouse will hear during the Weekend to Remember is not just one couple's opinion on marriage. Instead, it is the result of more than three decades of biblical research by a team of men and women who distilled what it takes to have a successful marriage and family. The speakers show you exactly how to pursue a marriage that really works through stories of their own break-throughs and blunders. Every couple drives away with a roadmap to a great marriage. We want you to leave the weekend with encouragement, hope, and practical tools to build and grow your relationship." - Dennis Rainey 

Weekend to Remember is not a large counseling session, and you will not be asked to participate in small groups. Rather, you will receive marriage-changing principles that you can take home and apply to your daily lives that will strengthen your marriage.

This getaway has something to offer any couple, at any stage of their realtionship.  Whether you are engaged, newly married, or have been married for several years, this getaway will have a lasting impact on your marriage.

If you would like to attend this conference and save 50% on the registration fee, visit our group page at  Click on "Join My Group". Select the conference location of your choice and select "Register". On the registration form, use our Group Name (Muellers) and you will receive the special Group Rate of $79.50/person, a savings of $159/couple. There's the 50% savings!

We ask that you prayerfully consider atteneding this conference!  You and your spouse will not regret it!

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